Multi-Platform API Abstraction

Fusion API Suite
Fusion API is a multi-language, multi-platform API suite that provides maximum performance and ease of change to power cost efficiencies.
The Fusion PRIME API provides low level, high performance capabilities and the Fusion EDGE API provides ease of use while maintaining high quality performance.
Fusion API is the most powerful, richest, and easiest to use suite of APIs that helps you to you to extract the maximum value from your platform investment, while simultaneously obtaining platform independence.
All traditional Market Data functionality (Interactive/Non-Interactive Providers, Posting and Subscription) is supported. Our innovative Dialogue Channels fully exposes the peer-to-peer capabilities of Refinitiv’s Real-Time Distribution System (RTDS) allowing for a fully bi-directional message flow between applications creating new, targeted, efficient and controlled generic message solutions for cost savings and/or greater revenue opportunities.
Development times are significantly reduced with MarketsIO Integrate. You can create a basic subscriber or publisher within a day or two using the Fusion PRIME API, and a basic subscriber or publisher can be functional within a matter of hours using the Fusion EDGE API. Significantly reducing overheads and improving your time to market.

Features and Benefits
- Extensively Tested – Over 600 automated tests are run per language to ensure that we provide you with code that you can rely on to run your business.
- Open – MarketsIO has the keys to deliver an independent future at a lower operating cost. Source code is provided to clients.
- De-Risk API End of Life – Virtually every firm is facing significant risk with the APIs they rely on to run their businesses. Many APIs in use at most firms are no longer supported, have been declared End of Life or are soon expected to be declared End of Life. There is an acute need to de-risk this massive API support exposure.
The MarketsIO Fusion API suite is your Enterprise API Abstraction to eliminate this risk.